War |
HMumrik |
Maps | Date and time |
Dragon/Karkand | 2006-01-19 22:00 |
League | Score | Tickets |
Up-North 8vs8 season 4 division 4B | 0-3 | 174-456 |
Information |
Glöm kängorna, ta med er era finaste dansskor. Let´s dance! Blir nog en otroligt välspelad match med bf2 spelandes som sig bör |
Players |
# | Name | S | P | |
1 | Club Zebra | | | |
2 | Dippen | | | |
3 | Febben | | | |
4 | Lan | | | |
5 | Nanna | | | |
6 | Cavehobbit | | | |
7 | Tubbe | | | |
8 | InsanityClaus | | | |
9 | Dogie | | | |
10 | Franze | | | |
11 | Henke | | | |
12 | Conrom | | | |
Report |
Hello and welcome to the Bloodbowl match of Hmumrik vs Threepwoods Lair! It’s sure to be an exciting match as the two maps played are Dragon Valley and Strike at Karkand, two of the best maps no doubt and each playing to different strengths so it ought to be a nice bout! Your match commentator this evening is Jim Johnson. Evening, Jim!
Thank you, Bob! Well, good evening, and boy, are you folks in for a great night of top-class sporting entertainment! Let’s go live direct to the TWL locker room and their warrarranger, hello Club Zebra , you with us? Can you say something about the match, is it true that you and legendary InsanityClaus have been secretly developing the Codex of all times for cussing and swearing at online games?
Uh, back to you Jim, we must have a faulty line here…
It happens Bob but let’s not dally there as the teams take to the field of Dragon Valley! TWL (US) is going through the warmup paces, good good, a lot of friendly shoving around and loads of ass-end-pinching. Healthy signs of a team in good cheer! The Hmumrik (China) likewise is warming up and there go the start signal!
Yes Jim, TWL seems to have opted splitting their forces. APC going for the village and a lone buggy heading for the Power station, the tank staying close to home as mobile support and the helicopter taking on allcomers. By Nuffle, that was a close couple of tv-missile shots! Meanwhile it seems the entire Hmumrik team is heading down to the village, contesting the TWL push and yes, we have a stalemate on either side of the river.
All too true Bob, who will be the first to break this? TWL in possession of the Power station and Hmumrik of the village. Sporadic attacks from TWL with the APC supported by the tank to the village, desperate defensive moves by that same tank later on upwards to the Power station but what is this – it looks like Bomber Dribblesnot has made his way onto the Hmumrik team?!? There’s explosions ripping all over the place!
Woah Jim, that’s one loony greenskin tossing bombs! Rapidly we see the field clearing as the bombs clear space and TWL bodies go flying. Remember folks, it’s a 8+ roll to spot the secret weapon but sofar the entire BF community seems to have passed those rolls cleanly. Wonder when referee EA is gonna pick up on this secret weapon exploit?
No telling Bob, they haven’t so far. Back to the game, it’s raging back and forth but Dippen and Dogiee in the helicopter seems to have gotten a good grip on their opposite number and with the aid of team coach Cavehobbit, who is using his magic item cards of ‘Scan’ and ‘Artillery strike’ very well to keep the Hmumrik heli grounded.
Aye Jim, the Hmumrik seems to employ another tactic of Bomber Dribblesnots. Lashing the bomb to a car and ramming it into the TWL Tank, but it seems that tanke just ain’t buying the trick. That’s the third car in a row now and he’s even gotten a string of mines laid down at that bridge, look at that! Another two cars is claimed by the mines but they keep on coming, is the whole Hmumrik team cloned from Bomber Dribblesnots genes possibly??
There goes the quarter whistle Bob, TWL (US) 125 vs 109 for Hmumrik (China). This quarter saw some very intense fighting in the base field of Hmumrik as the TWL warriors were intent on capturing that flag but they never managed to get it stable really.
Setting up again Jim, TWL (China) attempts a helidrop in the enemy main but it’s defeated. The APC and tank heading for the powerstation, contesting it but dying. Nice try though, the infantry in the buggy heading for the village where another set of explosions speak of the loony greenskins presence.
Hmumrik (US) seems secure in their grasp of both the village and the Power station but here TWL comes raiding again Bob, a strong drive to the village with all vehicles and they’ve seized it! Wonders of wonders, I thought they never would get that flag. Hold on, what’s going on in the TWL backfield Bob?
Well Jim, seems like Hmumrik did a sneaking thing and assaulted the TWL base while all hands were busy down at the village. Team coach Cavehobbit alerted the whole lot and look at those TWL’ers heading back to the home stretch, the flag is grey – very intense fighting here. Only one flag in possession and the TWL tank looking mighty lonely out there in front.
Bob, there’s the Hmumrik tank and APC coming knocking, this is going to get ugly if the TWL’ers don’t gain that homeflag and assist their tanker. But they got it! Now to hurry to the fro…too late, Hmumrik captures the village again.
The quarter ends with TWL (China) 49 vs 87 Hmumrik (US), I have to say, Jim, that it was a nice round overall with some good action and very amusing plays. Clearly both teams wanted to win badly but as we say, there an only be one winner even though there can be two loosers.
Second half coming up and a map change to Strike at Karkand! A very interesting close quarters map with lots of possibilities to sneak around and cause all sorts of mayhem. The lineup is TWL (US) on the assault and Hmumrik (Mec) as defenders!
TWL’s setup clearly demonstrates their intentions to create a open pocket in the Hmumrik defense with the tank and APC attempting to hold a corner of the road on the west side, letting their linemen harry the first flag. The fierce contest is however lost as the enemy elimnate the attackers and TWL has to start anew. Oncemore into the very same spot and trying to make the tactic work but alas it is not to be, despite a lucky rescue by Dogie as he ran down a crazed Bomber Dribblesnot attempting to blow Lan’s tank to bits only to die ten seconds later. Over to you Jim.
Thank you Bob, the TWL vehicles had a quick conference with the team coach and it seems ‘The Convoy’ tactic is gonna be employed, the tank leading the way and blasting a hole in the defenses. Cavehobbits APC taking the high west route and Lan’s tank keeping closer in to the action. Facing off with Hmumriks tank they manage to destroy it, Club Zebra capturing it as it respawned – This is looking very good. One tank pulling back and the other going in to harass the flag.
Jim, there is still a lot of fighting spirit left in Hmumrik, don’t sell them short yet. There they go, one two three…all the vehicles went up in flames as Bomber Dribblesnot does it again. There’s a formidable rain of explosives, what a turn around! And the referee EA hasn’t spotted a single thing despite the 8+ roll, astounding!
Bob, third quarter over and the standing is TWL (US) 0 vs 117. It looks like Hmumrik can start celebrating because the tickets alone speak the tale. But TWL’s not throwing in the towel yet, on with the game!
TWL (Mec) is setting up their defence now, keeping out of range of the bombtossers as much as possible. We’re also beginning to see a recurrence of those bombcars aswell, gaining little though. Jim, they’re really struggling here – what a great spirit all around, not giving an inch!
Sure is Bob, look at the move by the Hmumrik APC and tank, both heading around the east beach but facing the TWL tank and Cavehobbits carefully placed explosives they don’t make it to the finish line. Back to the front! First flag has been greyed, recapped and then lost again. TWL resets to hold the second line, fighting on two fronts as the Hmumrik newly spawned vehicles race around back. With higher ground Bomber Dribblesnots entire family seems to have come and paid a visit as the TWL homebase is starting to look like a fourth of July exercise!
A breakout attempt there by Lan and Dogie, squaring off with the Hmumrik tank, both tankers out for a quickrepair and Dogie joins in. Jim, they actually lost the tank, Hmumrik now has both tanks! Shame shame on the two for loosing that one, the team will never stop talking about that Jim.
Hmumrik is closing in for the kill, swarming the last flag and there we have it, Hmumrik wins the last quarter with 143 vs 0 for TWL. What a match Bob, any closing comments?
Yes Jim, todays match has shown us quite a few things and again we can only shrug and say that the referee EA has fucked up badly. Some things just should not be and seriously deter from the fun of the game. I hope the vague promises of changes will be fulfilled and the game lifted to the level it was meant to be. The best to both teams for playing with fire and passion, zeal and drive – one heck of a game! This is Jim Johnson, signing off!
Written by Lan |
Comments |
[vXo]Mad Dog Guest | GLHF!
Vi möter dem i en PCW på tisdag. Sätt in pengar på mitt konto så får ni alla deras taktiska påhitt. |
Franze* Captain Idler | Kan ej, är i Sälen torsdag - söndag. |
InsanityClaus* Forumtomte | 8 blir lite i tidigaste laget eftersom jag har Simon. Skall försöka hinna. |
Flamingo* Han med fjädern | Kanske Zebran kan försöka ändra till 2100 så kan nalle vara med! Lär behöva folk!!! |
Club Zebra* Du är en Zebra | Ska se över det när jag kommer hem! |
Conrom Member | jag kanske kan. måste kolla upp dagen |
Club Zebra* Du är en Zebra | *uppdaterat* Matchen är flyttad till 21.00!! |
InsanityClaus* Forumtomte | Bör hinna med denna nu. Bara jag får Simon i säng så. |
Tubbe* Mr Pajas 2007 | Varning! Dansbandsklanen har gjort det igen. De dansade cirklar runt [vXo] och slog dem med 2-1 i en PCW. Så håll för böveln i hatten och ladda CD'n med Sven Ingvars bästa 2002. |
Flanders Guest | helt otroligt aldrig sett nått liknade.ägde dom totalt på dragon.men på karkand regnade det c4 överallt+dolphindiving. |
Victory Guest | Jag vill bara önska er lycka till på matchen mot oss på torsdag! ha d |
Febben* Han med turbanen | Glöm ej C4:an |
Lan* Han med hatten | Det var väl inte så överraskande att i close quarters kastades det C4...Trist men förutsägbart.
Till eventuella mumrikar som besöker sidan - Ni är säkert trevliga personer men jag själv kan inte riktigt gilla er spelstil med C4 kastande då jag spelar FPS spel, inte Mario Bros. |
Febben* Han med turbanen | Är det Hennes&Mauritz vi möter idag ?
Trodde inte H&M sponsrade BF2 lag |
InsanityClaus* Forumtomte | Bra kämpat boys and girl. |
Cavehobbit* El Hobbito | Bra jobbat och tack för mvp:n!
Måste säga att det är lite småkul att vara commander ...men roligast är att köra APC. |
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